Conflict Recovery Time

Ever been in a “funk” for a long time?

We all know that intense emotions such as stress, anxiety, anger, frustration & disappointment (especially when felt frequently) can cause havoc with our hormonal balance. Therefore the length = amount of time spent, submerged in these emotions can really be damaging to our health.

We all experience mistakes, setbacks, “failures”, hear bad news or have conflict type interactions, whether it be at home, with friends or in the workspace.

It happens to everyone of us.

Would it help you (and your body) if your speed of recovery, your bounce back time, remarkably increased?

Let me introduce you to “Jo”, a very successful team leader. Incredibly good at her job, who used to struggle to shift her funks. What I mean regarding funk, once Jo had a difference of opinion with one of her board members, and the conflict that ensued left her struggling.
Jo, struggled to shift out of her funk and it lasted 3 days.

That was 3 days of impact on her family…she would go home in a foul mood. The kids would whisper “she’s got her cranky pants on, again”. As reward for surviving her hard day she poured herself a stiff drink at night, to calm her frayed nerves. At work her team members took wide birth of her, avoiding her where ever possible…dare I say not ideal for team cohesion, team moral or team productivity.

Not to mention her own productivity, to boot sleep patterns were severely interrupted. She would wake up at 2-3am in the morning, ruminating over the said conversation. Being hard on herself for not saying what she should have said, replaying various scenarios over in her head.
Don’t even get me started on what these 3 days meant for her cortisol levels and already taxed adrenal glands. Long story short, Jo’s brain was running the show in this instance of conflict management, instead of Jo running her brain. This happened more often than not for her, until she did our Mental Fitness Bootcamp.

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Disappointment

  • Guilt

  • Anger

  • Frustration

  • Self-doubt

  • Blame….all emotions that have a STRONG pull and ones that are the playground for a potential 3 day funk.

This type of funk - indicates that:

  • SAGE muscle + its 5 Super powers are weaker than,

  • The weight of the challenge. And the weight of the challenge is heavier than what we’ve trained for.

[HINT] When a conflict challenge carries a heavy weight, and our super power brain muscles haven’t been charged (or recharged) we are more susceptible to a saboteur high-jacking = which is the Funk!

We also know saboteur thinking (as fuelled by the Uber-master Judger thinking) is not looking for solutions - saboteur thinking is only looking to be RIGHT!

So if you are currently experiencing a spike in weighty challenge(s) & notice that you aren’t as upbeat with your reaction as per usual, I’d love for you to book in for a free Mental Muscle Check! Over the next few days I have opened up a few more spots in my diary for your free check in.

This Mental Muscle Check helps you work out which of your 3 major mental muscles have great tone, and which of the 3 need some TLC. Click here today as spaces are limited >>

Question - How long does it currently take you to recover from a conflict situation? For many the recovery process is LONG and that’s where mental fitness really plays a crucial role.

Till later,

Coach Adele


Great Sleep = Success!