Does Resting Feel Uncomfortable To You?

Here’s WHY resting can seem so unnatural, unnecessary & uncomfortable!

I see it so often in our SLEEP studio…more so than ever before, those who squirm at the thought of lying still for 40 min.

No phone, no movement, no hype or stimulation… a concept that so many with a busy brain struggle to come to terms with.

In fact their nervous system is so tapped out that the idea of escaping for a warm hug seems so FOREIGN.

But its exactly what their mind/body is craving.

They are tired from all the stress, but wired looking out for the potential threat.  THIS is subconscious, autonomic processing - until we intervene.

Many of us don’t even know we are addicted to the cycle because it has become so NORMAL to us. Or it’s what we call “life”…I call monkey balls.

We tend to feel bored, empty, in need of distraction, when we are not stimulated by our stress response…who here grabs the phone whilst binging on Netflix??? Or goes shopping to burn ourselves into more debt? As our threshold or capacity for stress goes up, and we don’t allow ourselves to recover and return to a healthy baseline we need more and more stress to feel “like ourselves”.

Some signs that your body and brain are running on cortisol (ie. stress is fuelling your system)…

>> The perpetual energiser bunny, endless energy, go-go-go is your go-to habit

>> Someone who (mistakenly) thinks they “thrive” in stressful situations

>> REST actually feels uncomfortable to you.

>> Phone upon waking, phone upon sleeping, phone on the toilet, phone whist on other devices!

>> Poor irrational decision making, and the inability to self regulate emotions.

>> Digestive issues

>> Not to mention sleep disruptions between 1-3am

What happens, until you intervene:

The body’s NATURAL stress response kicks in when reacting to external stimuli and a chemical cocktail in the body forms from norepinephinrine, adrenaline, and cortisol. This is all released into the bloodstream resulting in a cascade of further bio-chemical events.

This is how our nervous system goes into a flight / fight or (OTT) freeze response…frozen = anyone with cold hands and feet out there?

At the same time dopamine (the feel good chemical) is released into the brain. Encouraging us to repeat the stressful behaviours that lead to more hits of dopamine.

Picture a workaholic, the person with high pressure, overly demanding job. The person always in conflict, the person stuck in highly toxic relationships.

An addiction to cortisol can look like:

  • chronic patterns of high level conflict in relationships

  • Never being able to sit still (always on the go)

  • Over scheduling yourself

  • Finding yourself in “drama” regularly (the triangle - victim, aggressor, rescuer)

  • Lack of boundaries

  • Tired & Wired before sleep time

When we are addicted to cortisol, REST actually feels uncomfortable. Being still feels uncomfortable, so how the heck is anyone going to become a master of meditation in this state?

WHY???? Because the body is in flight mode…saying “get me out of here” - who has time to sit still and be zen then!  And why would any of this be important?

Because to really heal ourselves and sleep deeply and peacefully our mind & body needs access to its rest and repair nervous system response.

This is where our diy PATCH & KEEP CALM protocol can help, and has helped so many coming to our studio (as we get it not everyone can get to our studio for a FLOWpresso suit session).

The results with clients have been AMAZING!

Watch this short 5 min video and start your own DIY  100% drug free nervous system self-care today in the comfort of your own home, even whilst you sleep or to sleep.

And best of all 7 x days are very pocket friendly $$


Adele -


An Attitude of Gratitude


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